8 Top Post Pandemic Travel Trends Revealed

8 Top Post Pandemic Travel Trends Revealed

There’s no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic put a complete halt on global  travel, and the travel and tourism industry is yet to get out of the recession that it drowned in for 2 years. It started with a few countries shutting down international flights from select routes, and went on to full-fledged lockdowns where travel within the same city was restricted too.

And while most of us have started to get accustomed to the “new normal” i.e., masks, sanitizers, and whatnot, the tourism industry is still trying to make sense of the countless different norms around travel.

For starters, vaccines are now mandatory at most tourist destinations, with many requiring official government-issued vaccination certificates. Many countries don’t even let you cross the border without having a vaccination certificate and a mandatory Covid-19 test.

But with the gradual opening of businesses and the pent-up demand for exploring, a few new trends have sprouted all across the world.

A few of them are temporary, but many more conscientious ones are here to stay.


1: Bleisure Is Going To Be Big

Bleisure simply stands for clubbing business travels with leisure. This includes extending work-related travels to include a mini vacation. Although this concept has been there for around a decade, it’s gotten quite the push ever since the pandemic began. Since most people have missed out on two good years of traveling, they are now using every opportunity to tick things off their travel goals.

And what’s better than business travels? The company pays for your tickets, and all you have to do is pay for the extended stay—we see why it’s becoming a trend.

2: Workations

One of the most popular travel trends to come out of the Covid-19 pandemic is Workations. Simply put, it’s a vacation where you work and enjoy leisure. Many avid travelers get their day’s work done and spend the rest of the evening exploring the beaches, cities, cafes, museums, and mountains around their stay.

As per Buffer’s 2021 survey, 97.6 percent of people prefer to work remotely for the rest of their lives. And 30 percent of them prefer a job that offers flexibility to work from any location. And with the growing gig/freelance culture, Workations is a trend that is here to stay.

So, save up those leaves for other things—you can finally work and vacay from anywhere you want.

3: Digital Detoxes

Vacations have long been a way for people to escape the mundane everyday life for something fresh; something different. People have flocked to sunny beaches and windy hills just to get out of the city’s bustle and enjoy some time around nature.

But with lockdowns everywhere, travelers were stuck at homes staring at screens and browsing through social media. This rising exposure to digital media has pushed many people to a point where vacations are an escape from all things digital—also called digital detox.

Travelers prefer to take short vacations to remote locations like beaches and mountains where they can spend a few days without having to worry about emails, Netflix, or social media, and enjoy nature.

4: No more excuses for epic trips

The incredible uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has led many people to finally ditch their excuses and head on those epic trips. They are getting more experimental and exploring new ways to enjoy their dream vacations and once-in-a-lifetime experiences, A trend that has been here for decades the pandemic has made this trend even more mainstream.

5: Wellness first

Travelers are spending more on spas and wellness retreats, swapping classic vacations with them. The pandemic-induced excessive stress and work have pushed many people to the breaking point, creating a need for alternate vacations to truly unwind.

6: Helping local businesses

city named sweatshirtsTravelers are pickier with whom they interact during their travels and/or the businesses they work on. This allows local businesses to benefit from loyal customers who come back to them with the aim to contribute to sustainability.

7: Increased demand for exclusive luxury

From 5-star hotels to quaint resorts, 2022 has resurrected the luxury market by encouraging travelers to spend a portion of their income on specific options here. 

8: Our Takeaway

The travel industry has been blamed for 20-2ts Q3 spontaneous changes due to the health crisis that affected the entire world. While people will not travel less, they will make their travel time more meaningful and exciting This includes supporting the local businesses, investing in self-improvement retreats, and booking all-inclusive trips at their favorite unwinding spot.
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